Four Signs That You Need A Break

Four Signs That You Need A Break

Taking care of an ill or elderly relative can place an additional toll on our already busy lives. As a caretaker, it is also important that you remain in good physical and mental health- which means taking breaks. Here are four red flags that you should not ignore:

  1. Becoming Forgetful: It’s normal to forget something once in a while, but if your memory is getting worse and you seem to be forgetting everything, it may be a sign that you are just overwhelmed. Writing things down will help, but also you need to take a break as soon as possible.
  2. You Feel Tired All The Time: Feeling tired after a poor night’s sleep or after a particularly eventful week is normal. But if you feel drained even after a good night’s sleep, it may be time to consider a vacation.
  3. Random Irritability: If you are feeling irritated or angry at things that have never bothered you in the past this may just be another way that your mind is telling you that you are taking on too much. Carving out a few minutes of alone time in your day can help short term, but it’s also a sign that you need to ask for help.
  4. Headaches and Body Aches: Many headaches, including migraines, can be brought on by stress. Likewise, certain aches and pains within the body can also be a sign that you are taking on too much. If the problem is recent and seems to be directly tied to a stressful situation, it’s time to take a break.

At Sutton In-Home Senior Care, we know that taking care of yourself is not always easy. This is why we offer a variety of services that can help ensure that your loved one receives the best care while you take a well-deserved rest.

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