Important Tips for Keeping Your Elderly Loved Ones Safe During COVID 19

Important Tips for Keeping Your Elderly Loved Ones Safe During COVID 19

COVID 19 has made a huge impact on our society and the world as a whole. As we wait for a long-term solution, here is what you can do right now to help keep your elderly loved ones safe during the pandemic:

  1. Take it Seriously: Despite millions of cases around the world, some people are still in denial about the risks. Educate yourself and your family about the dangers that COVID -19 poses. This disease is dangerous for people at any age, but carries higher risks for those who are elderly, immune compromised, or have a systemic disease such as diabetes.
  2. Stay Updated: The incidences of COVID-19 vary by state, city and even county! A high density of cases is particularly noted in more urban areas and larger cities, which is where risks are greatest. Make sure you know of all updates, safety measures, and warnings that are issued by your local authorities.
  3. Clean, Clean Clean: Avoid bringing germs from the outside world into your home. This means cleaning your hands, groceries, bags, and even the bottoms of your shoes. There are plenty of great videos that can demonstrate good cleaning procedures. A note of caution, however; never attempt to clean your produce with bleach and other harsh cleaners. Soak in hot water or leave in the sun for a few days instead.
  4. Stay on Top of Health Issues: While COVID-19 is a game changer in many ways, it is still important to manage chronic disease. This may include working with your doctor to renew medications or even scheduling times for your loved one to be seen in a safer way.
  5. Limit In-Person Visits: If you have an elderly loved one in your household, you’ll want to limit visitors. This is especially important if you have friends or relatives who are essential workers and who have a high risk of being exposed at work.

Caring for a loved one during a pandemic is challenging, but Sutton In-Home Senior Care is here to help. We ensure that our employees follow the latest safety procedure to keep your family, and ours, safe.

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