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Are you considering 24-hour home care for a loved one?

At Sutton In-Home Care, we staff 24-hour home care cases in traditional 12 hours shifts, just like a hospital. This means that your loved one is going to have a dedicated team of 4-6 full-time caregivers that are working various shifts, around the clock. With 24-hour home care that is staffed in 12 hours shifts, there is always a fresh, new caregiver coming at the end of a shift. This method helps keep a fresh face in front of your loved one, provides for accountability and extra staff should you have a caregiver quit or call in. **At Sutton, we are the only agency in town that ensures coverage on all 24-hour cases and does not permit service interruptions. 24-hour cases are staffed with our longest-serving and most dependable caregivers. In the event there is a service interruption, a member of our ‘on call team’, field supervisor, or Brooke Sutton will go cover the shift to ensure continuity of care.


Many families come to us in a frantic state after their loved one has suffered a stroke or a fall and needs care immediately. While we have the staffing to cover these cases, many times, the patient does not actually need full-time 24-hour home care assistance for a long period of time, if at all. At Sutton In-Home Care, we offer free in-home consultations administered by the owner and Registered Nurse, Brooke Sutton. Brooke can come to a facility or your home to meet with your loved one and help create a plan of action that will be successful for their recovery or long-term goals of the family. We can accommodate almost any scenario and regularly work side by side with multiple home health, rehab, and hospice agencies that may also be providing services to your loved one.


24-hour home care at Sutton is usually a group effort between families and caregivers. We work very hard to make sure our clients have an excellent experience! Call today and see how we can help you and your loved one.