5 Tips And Tricks For Keeping On Top Of Your Loved One’s Medications

5 Tips And Tricks For Keeping On Top Of Your Loved One’s Medications

If you are caring for an ill loved one, you are probably dealing with multiple medications and dosing schedules. While it is important that anyone who is prescribed medication is taking medications properly, it can also be extremely confusing to caregivers. If you are struggling with the drugs, here are five tips to help you stay on top of your loved one’s treatment regimen:

  1. Note It Down: Keep a list of all medications taken by your loved one either in the medicine cabinet or on your phone. You can also take that list to doctor’s appointments so that your healthcare provider can get accurate information about all medications and dosage.
  2. Color Code: If you’re having trouble keeping track of which medications need to be given once a day versus twice, try color coding the boxes. Stickers can also work well for this. Seeing the color will save you time and make the process a whole lot easier.
  3. Set Alarms Or Download an App: While our brains can sometimes become overwhelmed, our cell phones have gotten pretty good at storing information and it’s pretty easy to set up a recurring alarm with reminders. If you are super comfortable with your phone or tablet, there are several great apps like Pill Zone and Care Logger that can help you keep track of your loved one’s medications so that they never miss a dose.
  4. Prep Ahead of Time: If you know that you’ll have a busy week, preparing and organizing the medications so that they can be given more easily can help avoid stress.
  5. Know The Consequences: Missing a dose has various consequences depending on the medication. Know the risk of missed dosages- especially if the effects can be severe.

Taking care of a loved one who is ill is a challenge, but at Sutton In-Home Senior Care, we are here to help. Call us now to see what we can do for your family.

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