Stroke Signs That Everyone Should Recognize

Stroke Signs That Everyone Should Recognize

A stroke can cause major damage or even death. This is especially true for the elderly or ill individuals who are already at risk for other problems. During a stroke, brain cells cannot receive the blood that they need to survive and begin to die as a result. Unfortunately, the damage from a stroke is irreversible, which is why it is important to know the signs and to act quickly.

Speech: Stroke victims often experience confusion in their speech and have difficulty repeating something as simple as a sentence. If you suspect that your loved one is having a stroke, look for speech related difficulties.

Arms: Stroke victims often lose control of parts of their body. A common way to check whether or not a person may be having a stroke is to ask that person to raise both arms. Inevitably, one arm will either not rise or rise and then slowly drop down. If your loved one is already experiencing difficulties with movement, this may be a judgment call on your part. Remember that a stroke will cause abrupt changes and that it is better to be safe than sorry.

Symmetry: Many stroke victims will exhibit signs of asymmetry- especially in the face. While one side of the face looks “normal” the other may droop. To double check, ask your loved one to smile and see whether one side of the face matches the other.

Timing is key with a potential stroke and it is important for you, as a caregiver, to keep a clear head and act in the best interest of your loved one. The acronym FAST, which covers the face, arms, speech, and timing, can help you remember key signs of a stroke. If your loved one is at risk for a stroke, you can also ask your doctor about additional signs and clues so that you can act quickly and get your loved one the help they need.

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